To Climb A Tree

That was what he wanted to do one morning last week.

We were out on the grounds that morning. We just had to take advantage of the glorious sunshine and fresh air after days of being held hostage by fever and rains at home. It was then a really bright day for us. 🙂

So there he was whirling around the play grounds when he suddenly stopped, pointed pass me and said, “Tree. Taas sa tree.” He wanted to climb the small tree just like the kids did when we first stepped on the playgrounds.

Without much thought, I obliged to his request. Children actually climbing real trees in this cyber age… Priceless. Thank God the property developer of the condominium community we currently live in is generous with open spaces, greens and trees. 🙂

So there, I propped him up the stone at the foot of the tree.


But I guess there will be better days to climb as he only managed this one big step


Some other day, LC. Maybe when you’re a little more able 😉


Oh how I wish there will be a lot of trees to where we will settle permanently. And of course, more trees for the coming generations… 🙂