Playdate: Spiders, Rabbits and Gymboree

We had last week’s playdates with Mommy R and Little A at their beautiful home.  They have more “equipment” that made the playdates look like Gymboree-on-the-go. It made our playdates more fun.  Little Cat always had a blast while there and was still on a high after getting home. 😉

Here’s the run-down of our main activities for the weeks’s playdates:


  • Storytime – The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
  • Arts and Crafts Activity – We made a spider from magazine cut-out pieces which the kids (supposedly! 😉 ) glued to a paperplate.  We then stuck a popsicle stick at the back to hold it with.
  • 2nd Activity – The kids were to pick among a set of flashcards the object we ask for.  Before doing so, they were to pass through an obstacle course.  They were to climb and slide from a Little Tike-ish slide and then crawl under a table.  Aside from being able to identify the objects, enrich communication and gross motor skills, the kids were to learn the concept of waiting and turn-taking.  We’ve been trying to incorporate it in previous playdates but it wasn’t until now that we’re able to present it to the kids more clearly.  Thanks to the Gymboree-inspired obstacle course Mommy R. 🙂


  • Free Play – Instead of the usual playing with toys, the kids went swimming in an inflatable pool with a lot of floating balls.  It was mid-day but it wasn’t that warm so Mommy R and I didn’t let them stay too long in the pool.  Mommy R was also ingenious enough to provide a make-shift swing from a foldable ladder and sako.   Continue reading